Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Regional Dog Shelter
Franklin County Regional Animal Control
About us:
In addition to operating the Regional Dog Shelter and Adoption Center. The Franklin County Sheriff's Office also operates a Regional Animal Control Officer program which currently covers the towns of Bernardston, Buckland, Charlemont, Colrain, Conway, Gill, Heath, Leyden, Leverett, Monroe, New Salem, Northfield, Shelburne, Wendell, and Whately.
Franklin County Municipal Animal Control Officers:
Municipalities whom are not listed above, still employ their own municipal Animal Control Officers. Please click here for a complete list of Animal Control Officers in Franklin County.
Contact us
Franklin County Regional Animal Control:
10 Sandy Lane
Turners Falls, MA 01376
Phone no: 413-774-7340
Fax No. 413-863-5491
Email: animalcontrol@fcso-ma.us
Kyle Dragon, Lead Regional Animal Control Officer
Jessecah Gower, Regional Animal Control Officer
Heather Sonn, Regional Animal Control Officer