Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Regional Dog Shelter
The dogs need you!
There is a never ending need for new volunteers to help care for the dogs. As we are growing and getting busier, we need more volunteers to help provide the dogs with socialization, training, and just good old play time. Please stop by for an application and to see how you can help with the care of the dogs!
Things for Potential Volunteers to Consider
You must be 17 or older to become a volunteer. (17 year olds need to do be accompanied by an adult until they turn 18)
When possible, Volunteers must commit to a regular schedule.
Volunteers will be given an orientation and training session.
If you are volunteering to work directly with the dogs, you will be required to go through a training period during our kennel chore hours and complete a training checklist.
Applicants will be submitted to a CORI check.
Volunteering Opportunities:
Kennel chores & ground maintenance
Dog Socialization
Hiking with Shelter dogs
Complete a Volunteer Application today!
You can download and print/complete our volunteer application by selecting the PDF icon listed below, or clicking here.
Once the application is completed, you can:
Scan and email the completed application to fcsodogshelter@gmail.com.
Mail in or deliver your completed application to FCSO Dog Shelter, 10 Sandy Lane, Turners Falls, Ma 01376.
Please note, that we are required to complete a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) check on all prospective volunteers.